
2015年1月6日—So,addingthefollowinglinefixedmyproblem:System.setProperty(freetts.voices,,Performstext-to-speechusingaseriesofUtteranceProcessors.VoiceDirectory,Providesameanstoaccessthevoicesthatarestoredinajarfile.,2012年10月2日—IfoundasolutioninthefollowingJavaForum: ......

Java FreeTTS missing Voice

2015年1月6日 — So, adding the following line fixed my problem: System.setProperty(freetts.voices,

Package com.sun.speech.freetts

Performs text-to-speech using a series of UtteranceProcessors . VoiceDirectory, Provides a means to access the voices that are stored in a jar file.


2012年10月2日 — I found a solution in the following Java Forum: try setting SystemProperty which Synthesizer ...

Java Voice类代码示例

Java Voice类代码示例,com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice用法.

com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice.allocate java code examples

Popular in Java · Parsing JSON documents to java classes using gson · setScale (BigDecimal) · compareTo (BigDecimal) · runOnUiThread (Activity) · Font (java.awt).

patches applied. Proprietary stuff stripped out. Upstream: - FreeTTS/src/com/sun/speech/freetts ... voices provided by this voice.

com.sun.speech.freetts Class Voice

Performs text-to-speech using a series of UtteranceProcessors . It is the main conduit to the FreeTTS speech synthesizer. It can perform TTS on ASCII text ...

Voice (FreeTTS 1.2)

com.sun.speech.freetts. Class Voice ... Performs text-to-speech using a series of UtteranceProcessors . It is the main conduit to the FreeTTS speech synthesizer.

com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice java code examples

Represents a command that can be executed. Often used to run code in a different Thread. NumberFormat (java.text). The ... at ...

... com.sun.speech.freetts.voice.defaultAudioPlayer system property. * The value of this property must be the name of a class that * implements the AudioPlayer ...

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